Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Painting with Abstract Background and Realistic Foreground - Bird on a Twig

Title: Saccharine Songbirdy
Size: 14 by 8 inches
This painting was all done in one hour and I'm just going to call it good, despite feeling that more detail on this piece wouldn't go wrong.

This is a European robin. Cute, isn't he? I painted in water-based oils, and I'm pretty happy about how the colors all came out. :)


  1. this is amamzing i love the humming bird it is so pretty good work

  2. Oh my gosh this is amazing. I love the bird, I love the blue and green as well. really good job!

  3. I love how you were able to detail the bird, and how you got the orange there.

  4. I'm in love with this! The cool colors in the background are beautiful and really make the bird stand out. I love the brush strokes you used. This is one of the best paintings I've ever seen. Amazing work. You're so talented! :3

  5. I'm in love with this! The cool colors in the background are beautiful and really make the bird stand out. I love the brush strokes you used. This is one of the best paintings I've ever seen. Amazing work. You're so talented! :3

  6. Cool! This is amazing I love how you put the greens and blues together it looks really good! I love the bird and the detail you did on it. Amazing job. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to see more work from you! :D
