Friday, June 5, 2015

Final Project - TenSoon Portraits (part 3)

Title: TenSoon Portraits

Here we are! All three portraits together at last. Those shapeshifters get around, don't they? I think these portraits' subjects all look fairly different from each other.

Today, I will be focusing on my "True Body" portrait, as I barely finished it. (It's the morbid looking one).

Title: True Body
Size: 9 by 5 inches
...So this piece was my delightful attempt at drawing a skeleton within translucent skin that was done much too quickly because I woke up late. Let me start over. 

For these portraits, I'm focusing on TenSoon, a shapeshifter from the Mistborn series. He's a kandra, a type of creature that can mimic any sort of body. There's a catch though: they need a skeleton to work around. Kandra don't have any skeleton of their own. Anyway, when kandra are in their homeland, they wear artistically crafted bones instead of other's bones. To show off these "True Bodies", they make their bodies translucent. So this is my painting of TenSoon in a True Body. I'm not sure of my feelings towards it yet. I don't know what I was expecting, so it's hard to form an opinion on the finished piece. 

Unfortunately for this piece, I slept in this morning. About 10am, I'm sitting in bed when I realize I have a portrait due in three hours. Yup. Excellent motivation to start scrambling.

One thing that was interesting with this piece was trying to draw the skeleton. Drawing how bones fit into a body is a rather different matter than just drawing the body. So that made for a fascinating, if rushed, portion of this painting. I'm thinking that, if nothing else, I'll at least go through and pretty up the background. I don't know what it is about watercolor, but doing abstract with it is significantly harder for me than with oils.

Anyway, it's been a wonderful year of art classes. Thanks to everyone who helped make them that way! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Final Project - TenSoon Portraits (part 2)

Title: Always Another Secret
Size: 9 by 5 inches
Here's the second installment of my series of portraits. As you may remember from part one, my series is focusing on the shape shifter TenSoon from the Mistborn series. In this piece, TenSoon is posing as Kelsier, a well known freedom fighter.

It was pretty fun to do this painting, because although it's technically a portrait of TenSoon, for all intents and purposes it's just a portrait of Kelsier. And then, of course, for any part of the portrait that didn't turn out quite like I thought it would, there was the wonderful excuse of "Well, it's not really Kelsier. I drew it perfectly accurately, but TenSoon didn't recreate the face perfectly. Because this is, after all, a portrait of TenSoon as Kelsier, not Kell himself."

Yes. That excuse is wonderful and convenient. I'm going to have to find more chances to use it... *grins deviously*

In case you were all wondering, I have declared blonde hair the bane of watercolor artists. It's not quite yellow, though it's close; it's definitely not brown, though there are certainly browns intermixed; and then there's the element of silvery-ness to blonde hair. So, yeah, not my favorite thing. Painting it was an interesting experience, if nothing else.

I may be back later (after 1:00 Friday) with a touched-up version of this portrait, but for now I need to start on the third and final painting. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Describing Words Wordle

Here are all my "describing words" from Art 2!

I think they look pretty cool all together like this... :D