Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Taking a Mental Break - Shadows of Self Cast

Well, I've been working at my picture book for several weeks now, so for fall break I'm taking a break from dialogue and storyboarding.

So, presenting this week's project: The Shadows of Self cast.

Title: Shadows of Self Cartoon Cast
Size: 8 by 12 inches
Brandon Sanderson's newest book, Shadows of Self, just hit the shelves last week, so now I bring you the cast. Alright, so admittedly this isn't the entire cast, but I think I've got pretty much everyone important (except for Innate. And Saze. And TenSoon. And-). Well, either way, I'm happy to have these guys drawn out. SoS was an excellent read, so I did my best to bring the characters to life using the descriptions in the book.

This project was pretty fun, as I got to spend plenty of time checking my sources for accuracy -- "What's that you say? You don't remember Marasi's hair color? Better re-read that passage again, just to make sure you didn't miss it." (And I promise constable-general Aradel isn't DI Lestrade from BBC's Sherlock. Really, where would you get an idea like that?) I imagine I'll come back at some point and rework this piece with color, but until then, happy fall break to all, and to all a good night.

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